Friday, July 1, 2011

Whither Thou Goest, I Will Go

What was the situation of the land of Judah when Ruth and Naomi lived?
They were in a land where there was famine. There were many invasions and wars in that time. They had to go to Moab which was 30 to 40 miles away. 

List the trials Ruth faced in Ruth 1
Her father in law and her husband and her brother in law died. Her family was ripped apart because of the deaths and Naomi wanted the girls to return to their homeland. Ruth and Naomi had to go to Beth-lehem.

Choose one trial that is like one that you have faced and briefly describe it
I think that we all can relate to having a family member die. I haven't had my husband, father in law or brother in law die but I have had family members die in my life. 

Explain what you think motivated Ruth to go with Naomi. In what ways would it have been hard for Ruth to go with Naomi?
I think to take care of Naomi would have motivated Ruth. Ruth lost her husband so I feel like she really didn't have anything to lose so why not go with her. I'm not sure if Ruth still had family in her homeland but I think that could have been hard for her. 

Why was Boaz so impressed with Ruth? 
I think he was was impressed with Ruth because she left everything to go with her mother in law and take care of her. 

Explain what you can learn about facing your challenges from the examples in this chapter?
Just to have faith and to stay devoted to things that we have made commitments like the gospel.

Briefly describe the greatest sacrifice you have yet made because of your commitment to the Lord. Then write an answer to the question, "Has your sacrifice become a blessing?" If so, please describe how it did. If not, describe how you now feel about the sacrifice. 
I am not sure what my greatest sacrifice has been. I feel I haven't really made many sacrifices compared to some people. I am very lucky. I think one common sacrifice among members is our time. We take a lot of time out to go to church and with other church activities. I definitely think that any sacrifice that we make to the Lord will always turn into a blessing. Even if we don't realize it in this life we will figure it out in the next. 

Explain why you think Boaz was so kind to Ruth
I think it is because he saw how kind Ruth was. He saw that she was a sweet spirit in sacrificing her life to help Naomi.