Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Love Friends

I just want to say that lately I have been very grateful for the friends I have and the friends I am making. We have gotten to know so many people in the ward but we are actually hanging out with them. I am absolutely loving where I am right now. 

I have had some thoughts that have been on my mind for a long time. I have never really seen the importance of visiting teaching before. I suppose it could be because I didn't see it a whole lot growing up because it seemed like all of the visiting teachers were friends. I have never actually had a visiting teaching calling until I came to college which was just over a year ago. Now that I  but am off-track and jobless with really nothing to do I have realized that it is nice to have visiting teachers. Just someone that visits with you or maybe if you become good friends, someone to hang out with. I have not had visiting teachers in a while and I don't know who they are. I kinda wish they would come but I suppose I am fine with the friends I have to keep me busy. It is just nice to build new friendships. 

My best friend of 19 years is awesome. I love her to death. She is in Ecuador right now volunteering at an orphanage. She is such an example to me. I have so many great memories together. I suppose, in a way, it kinda sucks to grow up because you definitely move in different directions. I know she is my best friend because I still have a strong connection to her even though I have not seen her for 7 months. I love talking to her on the phone. I get more that what is required for my daily dose of laughter. I miss having her live right down the street from me and just being within arms reach. Technology is awesome but its not the same. I just wanted to tell her I love her so much and miss her a lot. 

Sad story but our good friend's puppy was hit by a car and died. We dogsat that dog a lot and we loved him so much. It was so heartbreaking. Who would have thought it would hurt so much to lose a dog. I mean it's a dog. Well, that's what you think at first but they are more than that. And they teach us so much. We also love his owners. They are so awesome. When we didn't have any friends they were there. I have nothing bad to say about them.Only good things. I think they will be forever friends. Long into the future we will still be talking even though we might not live close by. 

I think I need pictures. Another time I will put them up. Tomorrow we are leaving to go to Boise!!! Yay for family!! 


So I have had some new projects that I have been working on lately. I think they are kinda cool. 

1. A beanie :) my husband is the lovely model in these pictures.
He wanted it a little longer than I had planned and so that is why it turned out to be half blue, half black. He is so cute <3

2. I crocheted a freakin tie!!! 
It turned out to be awesome!! I pretty much just made something up. I didn't have a pattern. I have also been very much in love with changing colors now that I know how to do it. 

So as you can see I have been very busy. The tie took me two days! But I love crocheting and my next new project that I want to do is to make a bunny, a monkey, and a bear. I think it will be adorable if I actually pull it off. :)

Friday, March 18, 2011


My computer is back!!! At the end of fall semester (which was forever ago) my computer's hardrive went out. So I couldn't use my computer. Finally, this week we ordered a hardrive and yesterday I got someone to install it! And now it is back and working :) No more using the hubby's computer. 

Also......Congrats to the Giveaway WINNERS!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Free Blog Giveaway!!!

Alright few followers of mine, I am having a giveaway of one of my cute crochet headbands! Just go to this blog: and follow the directions! GOOD LUCK to everyone who enters!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Crafty Me

So this is what I like to do in my spare time (which is like all of my time). I crochet. I crochet cute little headbands :). I really do love crocheting. Eventually I want to try to move on to bigger things like baby blankets and little sweaters and things like that but for now I'll stick with flowers :) I am so glad I finally learned how to make them myself. I had been trying to find the perfect one of these headbands and finally did when my sis-in-law, Amanda, was keeping this secret of knowing how to crochet headbands from me. And I didn't even know that she liked to crochet in the first place! Now I can make them whenever I want and any colors I want. I'm thinking of trying to sell them. Just to do it. I mean, there is only so many lovely people I can make these for and there is only so many combinations of different colored headbands I can make for myself. So either donate or sell. I could even do both. 

These cute things are some of the headbands I have made (and some my grandma has made). I have just fallen in love with them!

With the cute little flowers, I like to stick a bobbie pin through the back of them which is so easy because they are crochet, and stick them in my hair. It works perfect because you can't see the bobbie pin and they stay in your hair snug as a bug! Also very cute and something more for a summer thing. 

This looks way better when I am all prettied up. But even for a lazy day this helps beautify yourself. I don't know about you, but I think its adorable. I also want to try to make headbands but with a thinner band. 

Well you now know what occupies some of my time :) Cutie little crafts. This is what happens when a miss turns into a mrs. <3

Friday, March 4, 2011

King Cake?

Knock on the door. Who is it you ask? It was the UPS guy!!! Delivering King Cakes. This is what Ryan has been waiting for the last few days. I had no idea what a King Cake was. Apparently it looks like a giant donut. It tastes really good :) We have raspberry filling in ours. Mardi Gras is coming up on the 8th of March and this is something they eat. Ryan, being from Louisiana, is introducing me to all this Mardi Gras stuff. We also got a package of Mardi Gras beads and cups and crawfish :) I think I will decorate our apartment by hanging beads everywhere :) And putting little plastic dressed up crawfish in the most random places. It will be fun. Ryan will take me to Mardi Gras someday, being the southern gentleman he is. And I will get my own Mardi Gras beads.....(not really). We will have our own little Mardi Gras party by ourselves for now :)

P.S. Isn't he just the cutest?? <3 

Empowering Knowledge Every Girl Should Know

So, last week we had the wonderful luck of getting a flat tire :( Last Monday we hit a really bad pothole when we were coming home from Idaho Falls. So we assume that is where it came from because by Wednesday it was completely flat. We found it when Ryan was taking me to campus to go and study. He hurried and changed it and I got to campus late but I was there. When I was done, we went to pick up  the new tire from Les Schwab next to our apartment and Ryan thought it would be a good idea for me to learn how to change a flat tire in case I am ever in that situation without him. I would like to think that he will always be with me but that is probably not the case. Despite it being FREEZING outside and I was just in a lil hoodie, I so patiently listened to his instruction and did what he told me. I happen to be very grateful to have someone who is just so smart and can fix everything from a bad day to a flat tire. I am also grateful that I can learn  this so that I can take care of myself if I ever need to. It is actually very easy, you just have to have the right tools.

Step 01: Put the thing under the car to make it go up. Don't put it on the frame of the car or you could hurt something. So make sure it is kinda in the middle. 
Step 02: Raise the car up but only a little.
Step 03: Start loosening the bolts on the tire with the long tool with a thing at that end that will attach to the bolts. I suppose you can just take them off. You only want the car raised a little instead of all the way so that when you are taking off the bolts then the car isn't turning and giving you a hard time taking them off.
Step 04: When the bolts are off, raise the car up so the tire is not touching the ground and take the tire off.
Step 05: Put the new/spare tire on and put the bolts on. Don't put the bolts on all right by each other. Spread them out so the next one you put on isn't by the one you just put on. I forget why :)
Lower the car and clean up and Wah La! You just successfully changed your own car tire without the help of your big macho man :)
I don't know about you but I think this is very empowering knowledge. Being able to tell someone that YOU, a GIRL, did it all by yourself :) BE PROUD