Friday, June 3, 2011

Holiness to the Lord

We are studying in Leviticus. If I could give the book of Leviticus a theme it would probably be to follow the Lord's statutes and you will be blessed. 

What does it mean to be holy and sanctified? To be holy and sanctified means to be pure from sin, pure and clean. We can become that way by using the atonement.It sort of refers to your character and being moral.

Why could Jehovah command His followers to be holy? He could command them because he was holy.

What could we do today to avoid that same downfall? We could not neglect the spirit. We could try and study it and understand what lessons we are really meant to learn.

How can the principles you have studied to this point in the book of Leviticus help you become holy? I think we just need to follow the commandments and do what we are supposed to. I also think we really need to make sure that we take advantage of the atonement because that is what it is meant for and  that can help us become clean and pure. 

Keeping the commandments helps us to walk with God and gain blessings. We will one day be able to live with him again. 

Some commandments:
respect mother and father
keep sabbath day holy
not worship false idols
not steal or deal falsely
not take Lord's name in vain
don't rob your neighbor
not curse the deaf
put a stumbling block before the blind
judge righteously
don't hate your brother
don't hold grudges
be pure
don't commit adultery
don't have tattoos
don't be a prostitute
don't lie with the same gender

I highlighted all of these commandments because I think that the world has a hard time with all of these commandments. The one I want to work on is probably to judge righteously. I don't have a problem with any other ones but I think this is one that everyone will need to work on for our whole lives. This is a hard thing to do and I don't think I'll ever be perfect at it but I can try my best.